The Wayne E. Oates Institute is a Connected Learning Community exploring spirituality and health as a way to advance integrative care for the whole person. The Oates Institute is a non-profit educational organization made up of caregivers from the medical, spiritual and counseling communities providing a forum for joining together as an interdisciplinary dialogue toward understanding the relationship between spirituality and the healing process.
Keywords: Oates,Wayne Oates,Oates Institute, Wayne E. Oates Institute,spirituality,health,healthcare,faith and health,science and theology,integrative care,holistic care,mind-body-spirit,PNI,counseling,chaplaincy,education,connected learning,continuing education,continuing education for ministry,Hammon,Chris Hammon,Christopher Hammon,Henlee Barnette,Vicki Hollon,psychology,ethics,chaplain,pastoral care,CPE,ministry,research,clergy,counseling,social work,psychiatry,medicine, online seminars, Lifelong Learning, Online Learning Center, health ministries